Lead Like Men: ENTRUSTED

When you go to the bank to deposit your paycheck, you ENTRUST your money with the bank teller. When you open up a savings account, you are ENTRUSTING the bank to take care of your money for you while you do not use it.  The definition of the word entrust is: “a deposit, a trust or thing consigned to one’s faithful keeping”.

Paul reminds Timothy to take care of what has been entrusted to him twice in the epistles addressed to Timothy.

“O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you…” 1 Timothy 6:20

“Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you.”  2 Timothy 1:14

The spreading of the Gospel has been entrusted to all Christians, yet are there certain areas in our life that men have been entrusted with specific jobs?  By reading the scriptures we can conclude that men have been entrusted to Lead Like Men.

Men have been entrusted to lead the FAMILY.  Ephesians 5:22-25 shows that the husband is the head of the wife.  In chapter 6, we see that fathers must also lead his children.

Men have also been entrusted to lead the CONGREGATION.  Paul uses the example of how Adam did not lead in the garden as he should, therefore allowing his wife to sin and in the end, followed her lead (1 Timothy 2:11-14). The same is true with the church, if the men do not lead (as they have been entrusted), issues can arise.  This is not because women are not capable of making decisions, or being good biblical students.  Men and women are equal in Christ (Galatians 3:28), yet men and women have different roles entrusted to them that must be obeyed.

We as men need to make sure that we LEAD LIKE MEN.  We must protect and cherish that which has been entrusted to us.

So how do we accomplish this?  Over the rest of this workweek, we will be studying a phenomenal passage on how men can lead:

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13